SF to Eureka to Mendocino
Distance from SF to Eureka: 270 miles; 5-hour drive
Distance from Eureka to Mendocino: 145 miles; 3-hour drive
This one is a real road trip, but if you have four days to a week, it's a great way to experience the best Northern California has to offer, from big trees to breweries and everything in between.
Must-Do: 1. Drive through the Chandelier Tree in Leggett. 2. Explore the Victorian seaport of Eureka via horse-drawn carriage. 3. Drink your way (responsibly) through all of Mendocino.
Stay: Camp in Humboldt Redwoods State Park, stay in a Victorian Inn in Eureka, and splurge on a night at The Madrones in Mendocino.
Eat: Pull over at The Peg House in Leggett, where you can get tasty burgers and maybe even catch some live music.